As textbooks become out of date and need to be replaced every couple of years, schools around the world have opted to switch to e-readers and tablets to combat this problem.
As textbooks become out of date and need to be replaced every couple of years, schools around the world have opted to switch to e-readers and tablets to combat this problem.
The benefit of using tablets as educational equipment for schools is that electronic textbooks can easily be stored and then deleted when it has become outdated. Students are also exposed to technology that has already become a necessity for many South Africans.
This idea is not as far off as one might think. The Basic Education Deputy Minister, Mr Enver Surty has taken it upon himself to ensure that schools in South Africa convert from traditional, paperback textbooks to electronic versions that can easily be downloaded onto a tablet.
“Teachers need to embrace technology in teaching in order to make the ICT work. The Department of Basic Education has already digitized all our learning materials and this material is accessible from the Thutong portal to all learners and teachers in schools.” – Mr Enver Surty
SmartLabs has always believed in the value that technology can bring to academic institutions. We not only see the practicalities behind electronic textbooks, but the absolute necessity as the world moves deeper into the information age. We have therefore taken it upon ourselves to make the use of tablets in schools easier and more practical.
The SmartLabs Tablet Cart can house up to 24 tablets at the same time and offers secure storing, easy transportation between classes and they charge multiple tablets simultaneously using a single electrical outlet. Constructed from fully-welded steel and powder coated, providing a robust cart with quality finish. Click here for more on the SmartLabs Tablet Cart.
As a fully South African owned and operated company, SmartLabs looks forward to seeing the positive effects tablets will have on our schools and more importantly, our students. Our core belief has always been to make education more accessible with practical solutions that offer simple, cost-effective alternatives to computer and science laboratories in schools.