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Plant tissue Investigation


Preparation time: 2 – 5 days for growth of bean root
Time Allocation: 10 – 20 Min
Experiment 1: Observing meristematic tissue under a microscope

In the experiment bean sprouts are grown in order to produce cells that are growing. The type of cells that cause this are meristematic tissues. Meristematic tissues are types of tissues that are general and later specialize according to their function. Small samples of root tips are dyed and then observed under the microscope. In these cells students might be able to see the beginning and end stages of mitosis and meiosis

Time allocation: 45 Min
Experiment 2: Wet mount of Pear and Tomato Tissue

A wet suspension is prepared in order to protect the integrity and structure of the cells that will be viewed. In this experiment, fruit cells are observed. These cells make up permanent, specialised cells as they are not actively involved in the process of growth. Students can now observe and compare the permanent type tissues to tissues that are actively involved in growth.

Experiment – Plant Tissue Investigations


Preparation time: 2 – 5 days for growth of bean root
Experiment time: 10 – 20 Min


To observe the development of meristematic tissue of a root under a microscope.                                                                                                           


  • Petri dishes
  • Cotton wool
  • Bean seeds
  • Microscope
  • Microscopic slides
  • Cover slides


    1. Place a layer of cotton wool into the bottom of the Petri dish
    2. Place 5 bean seeds on top of the cotton wool.
    3. Cover the seeds with a layer of cotton wool.
    4. Wet the seeds well with water.
    5. Put the petri dish on a sunny windowsill for five (5) days to allow the seeds to
    6. Uncover the seeds and have look at the new root (radicle).
    7. Cut a 3mm piece of the root and place on a microscope slide.
    8. Drop one drop of water on the slide before placing a cover slide over the root.
    9. Place under a microscope and study the root tip to observe the meristematic tissue.
    10. See if you can distinguish the root hairs.


    The experiments looks at root hairs which are meristematic tissue of the roots. They should be clearly visible under a microscope of the bean sprouts grown.

    Experiment 2: Wet mount of Pear and Tomato Tissue    


    Time allocation: 45 Min

    To study the structure of plant tissue


    • Microscopic slides
    • Cover slides
    • Iodine solution
    • Paper towels
    • Medicine dropper
    • Microscope
    • Fresh tomato & Fresh pear


    1. Remove as small samples of tomato tissue
    2. Use a microscopic slide, place a drop of water on the slide
    3. Place the tomato sample in the drop of water.
    4. Stain with Iodine solution.
    5. Cover with cover slide.
    6. Remove excess of water and stain with paper towel
    7. Repeat the same procedure with the pear.
    8. Place on table of microscope and study on the lowest magnification.
    9. Repeat on a higher magnification.


    This experiment is a comparison and study of the permanent tissue of plants and looks at the different types found in different fruit samples (namely pear and tomato).

    The students should have seen the variations in the tissue types and should be able to identify them from diagrams and pictures.


    • When working with the cover slips act with caution as they break easily
    • When working with the second experiment students must wear gloves
    • Place the samples in a sink before dying to prevent bench top stains
    • Iodine solution:
      • Caution consumption of chemical by an allergic individual must be dealt with by a medical professional
      • Read the safety manual to identify what precautions you should take when working with these chemicals

    The chemical is primarily used as stain, if spilled may stain clothing or surface, try cleaning surface with rubbing alcohol